Friday, March 16, 2007

busta move. busta knee.

spring break 07.

st. patricks day.

woo hoo!

all this celebration. all this hype. it's kinda funny. people will be eating/drinking green things all day. but why? i don't really get it. ha!

went to keystone this break with klife. drove a big charter bus. 22 hours. sheesh. but it was so much fun. it felt so good to be around all those people. high school was so funny and it just took me back.

however, there was one thing i was not expecting to happen during this the first 15 minutes of skiing, i got caught in some powder, took an ugly fall, felt my knee twist, had to be skiing down the mountain on this sled-like thing. i looked like a dead wrapped up corpse. it was hysterical. but ya, it's the same knee that i tore my ACL on. so i am guessing it was just a little weak? i dont know. but i got an MRI wednesday night and now we are just waiting for the results...i really hope this does not lead to surgery...i really really really hope...

second blog. first post.

I used to have a blog...a xanga...but i think it is about time for something here i am...we shall see how it goes...